Monday, October 26, 2009


Breath taking beauty, so full of life, and talented.................CJ!!!!!!!

When me and CJ got together, i was all about doing what she was into, as she was into doing whatever i was into! This didn't work out so well because neither of us wanted to make any decisions, because neither wanted to choose something the other wouldn't enjoy doing as much, and it was all about what the other wanted. NOW, we haven't come out of what some people call the honeymoon stage we just have learned to compromise, and make decisions, well some decisions i should say, " What's for dinner " is still a question we cannot seem to come to an arrangment with, I don't care, she doesn't want to choose, we give options, we don't care, we just need to eat, and we give up and go to taco bell! OK thats the general standard of what happens.

Anyways what i was getting at, CJ makes afghans, she crochette's a very large part of the time, and as interesting as it is, it can only hold my attention so long before i start kissing her, and cuddling her, and not keeping my hands to myself, and that just gets me into trouble when she has an afghan to get done, for a deadline. I continued to be a bother for quite some time, until i told her i wanted to learn, i wanted to be a HOOKER!

So we sat down one night and she started showing me how to do a triple stitch, woah i was lost, i had not a clue, singles, doubles, links, chains, there was so much to learn, so much to do, so many weird positions to put my hands into. So she decided to show me a simpler stitch, the single stitch. I proceeded to catch on pretty quickly, and started going at a decent pace, i then proceed to without anymore instruction to do a double stitch and a triple stitch, and when i showed my pretty lady she was so proud and amazed, i got butterflys!!!!!!!!!!!

So after getting the hang of all of this, i decided i was going to make an afghan.


Way larger then i planned, more yarn then thought would be used, more time, patients, effort, and love has gone into this afghan, then i ever imagined would.

I am so proud of myself thus far, and i feel very accomplished. When i completely finish this afghan i will post a picture.

It's beautiful, it's unique, it's my creation, I just hope that the person recieving this afghan truely understands what this afghan represents!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Alot of Thinking

Thirteen years old.

He's thirteen years old!

I can't believe he turned thirteen.

My Girlfriends son is thirteen!

I could keep going on and on about how he is THIRTEEN!!!!!!

But i won't, i will however dedicate this blog to him!!!

Dear My Little Baller,

You are unbelievable, your humor, and your personality, absolutely dumbfound me. I am so happy to have you as my little baller. Your mother loves you so very much, i love you so very much, we are so very proud of you. Thank you for being you!

Love, Big Baller

It is just astounding, but amazing!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

. . . . BEAUTY . . . .

Family life is all backed up, it's crazy and insane. Well that is with my mom, sister, brother, father, my family, not with me and CJ. Life with us is going very well, aside from my sicky face of a girlfriend, and the family being out there, life is great!!!!

I love my pretty lady, i love us, we are amazing, we are silly, we are goofy, we are weird, we are in love. It's everything, it's the late night talks and the way she looks at me, it's the feelings i get every time she walks into a room, or kisses my cheek, or nuzzles up to my neck when she doesn't feel good. It's everything.

It's our love, it just does something to me, just sends a shock right through me, oh i can't get enough, of this everyday love!

She's so sweet, she is so beautiful, she makes me want to be better, to do better, to be the best i can be. I'm starting to see what she see's in me which is a very difficult task, she is everything to me, and i am so in love with her, more in love with her then i thought i would ever be.

I am so happy, I am in love, and i can't wait to see what our future holds, what our lives together will bring.




Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The question has arrived, BABIES? Will CJ and I have kids, will we have our own or adopt?

We decided i would have the privilege of blogging on this topic!!!!!

Babies: itty bitty little hands, tiny little toes, peach fuzz hair, late nights, early mornings, feeding time, growing up, the crys, the laughs, the giggles, kisses, rasberries, scraped knee's, school, and the most important is LOVE!!!!!!!!!!

The answer to the question is YES OF COURSE. Eventually we will have a baby, we have a list of things that we need to get done before the idea of a child is possible but yes yes we will. We both can't wait for the opportunity to raise a child with the other, in one of our cases with someone at all. . . . i love you my pretty lady.

As far as if we will have our own or adopt, i want to have a child of our own, not that i have a problem with adoption, it's just the way i see it is that there are so many people in the world that can't have kids, i don't not want to if we are able.

So yes, babies will one day be one the way, and we can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What blogging is to me!

Blogging is an expression, a release, a way to put all that i feel, see, do, and am into words. It's emotions, my feelings, my thoughts, dreams, goals, hopes, its everything. Its everything because i choose to make it everything. I could sugar coat the truth, tell you the wonderful story "everyone" wants to hear, but i won't do that. I could make my life the worst i possibly could to make my life seem worse then everyone elses, but that would be lying. I choose to be honest, i choose to tell all that my life is because to me life just is. . .  Everyone has one, everyone has up's everyone has down's everyone has a life, i'm just willing to share all that my life holds on my blog.

Blogging is a freedom of speech, freedom to say whatever i want, whatever comes to mind. I enjoy blogging so very much, i love that i was introduced to this exciting opportunity.